Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Updated 3rd September 2020

Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Updated 3rd September 2020

Tameside Cycling Track is open again! The next dates are 7th and 21st September – £5 per rider, 7:30pm to 9:00pm – Traffic free riding!

The Sunday Dukinfield ride and Hazel Groves are now back and running regularly. Please remember to check back here if more lockdown measures are released. Other than that it is fair to assume the rides are on.

The Dukinfield Town Hall rides will set off at 9am prompt in order to help get back between 12 and 1pm. There is a slightly later start for the Hazel Grove rides with a meet at 9:30 and leave by 9:45 to give riders from the Tameside area to get there, as usual these rides are back to Hazel Grove usually around 4pm. NOTE – Do check the calendar on the depart for the Hazel Grove rides as occasionally when going North or East these leave from Hyde Town Hall.

If the groups are larger than 6, we will look split into 2 or more groups accordingly, staggering the start times by around 5 minutes.

Take care in the meantime, and hope to see you all soon.